Sunday 15 May 2011


Tor Tiv HRH, Orchivirigh Dr. Alfred Akawe Torkula made a very “confusing” utterance during the burial of HRH James Ityowua Adzape, Ter Kwande which has made me to wonder. I suppose I would not have been so confuse if I carried out that research with Akpera Success about the history of Usar. The research was stalled partly by our laxity    and the death of Joseph Wayo Ubwa, former Tyoor Usar, who had promised to sponsor the study-One of the research questions we outlined was to lay bare the question of “ARE USAR NANEV?”
        For now when the above question is posed; some say “Yes” others say “No” others say “Usar is wanter U Nanev” other say Usar is “Wan kwase”; I am not disputing any of these views because I have not done any serious study to challenge any biases on Usar-my concern here is principally why Tor Tiv of all people would differentiate Usar from Nanev. Is he saying Usar are not Nanev after all?
        Most political studies suggest Kwande is divided into Zone A and B. Zone A is made up of Nanev and Shangev-Ya while Zone B is made up Turan and Ikyurav. This is what will know! Turan has 5 council wards: these are; Mbadura, Mbakyor, Yaav, Moon and Kumakwagh. Ikyurav has Menev, Liev I and 2.  That is the political picture of the people called Zone B.
        In Zone A; are Shangev with 3 council wards; Mbaketsa, Tondov 1 and 2; Nanev where will wish to focus has 3 or 4 Wards; Mbayoo, Mbagba/Mbaikyan, Usar and may be Township? Mbayoo Mbagba/Mbaikyan and Usar have three district heads the incumbents are; Mbayoo-Tyoor D.I Chula, Mbagba/Mbakyan –Tyoor Akile Jukul, Usar- Tyoor Tivlumun Ako Dzungwe.
        On this background, could we be right to conclude that the Tor Tiv was saying, Mbayoo and Mbagba/ kyan are Nanev and Usar is Usar? Moreso,  Tyoor D.I Chula defeated Wayo Ubwa, or as an Elder told me, Ako Dzungwe Shande had compelled on him to leave the Tyoor Mbayoorship to Tyoor Chula because it would have tied Usar to Nanev forever? (Note that then it was Usar/Mbayoo) That Shande promised to create a district for Usar soonest. He did that in 1992, and late Beagh Yawe was the first Tyoor of Usar.
        This issue would not have generated this confusion if  Tor Tiv did not raise it .Let me clear another air here. The Tortiv was represented by Ter Kyor, HRH Jam Gbinde. It was him who is reported to have made that statement…..He noted that “…… we all know, selection of the next Ter Kwande will be based on the conception of Ya na Angbian,  AS THE LAST TER WAS FROM THE OTHER ZONE, comprising of Turan and Ikyurav, the next TER KWANDE will come from USAR and Nanev…..”. Does it mean the Tiv Traditional Council see Usar as a distinct entity from Nanev? If this is concluded so, it will have a deeper implication, especially as pertains the question of who becomes the next Ter Kwande.
        Shija I. etal in “The triumph of principles……” noted that, “When Gom Gire died on 11th October, 1993, the post of Ter Kwande once again became vacant. But before a new Ter would emerge, the Tyoor of Mbayoor Donatus Iorsaer Chula was chosen as the Acting Ter Kwande…………” P35.  Does it mean then that Nanev have had their turn already? So Usar is the only one left from THE USAR/NANEV combination? Athough there are some people who argue that, as WANTER or WANKWASE, Usar can not or should be giving that opportunity….
        There are a lot of questions on ground, But I see these congent issues before the king Makers…
From every point, Usar are marginalized- would they then capitalize on this technical lapse to spring a surprise- would they argue that since Nanev (Mbayoo/Mbagba/kyan) has tested in an Acting capacity they are obviously the ones most qualified between Nanev and Usar?
Experience is their strong word-we have a son who has acted Already; more so, he used to represent the Ter Kwande so why not give it to us? Funnily, this is what Usar might be calling and advantage on their part. 
Seniority-Mbakyaan is said to be the eldest son of Nanev. So, it is not better to give this the eldest son?Although the Tor Tiv’s utterance will count  against them if Usar harp on it.

From every angle one looks at these arguments, they appear confusing. But I advise the King makers that when they reach a stalemate on the arguments of where the Ter will come from, the focus should be shifted to the character and integrity of those who have presented themselves for the exalted position – they should seek to know their antecedents.

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